Mission Statement
The Art Society of Monmouth County (ASMC) is a non-profit, 501 C3 membership-based all volunteer organization that exists to promote the appreciation, encouragement and creativity in the visual arts in Monmouth County, New Jersey
Each year the ASMC holds meetings and events where members can meet with fellow artists and exchange ideas. At these events, members benefit from experiencing professional art demonstrations and workshops of various media techniques. These meetings and events are either in person or online via Zoom. Exhibitions and other events are open to the public and are held in various Monmouth County places such as the Monmouth Beach Cultural Center, Middletown Arts Center, Middletown Township Public Library, public parks, etc. Our Zoom events are also open to anyone with the link. Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates, Zoom links and reminders.
The Society's active members participate in exhibitions at various venues in Monmouth County that are judged. Its diverse membership displays its talents in arts such as oil, acrylic, pastels, drawings, watercolor, photography, textile and mixed media. The ASMC does not place any restrictions or qualifiers on its membership. Membership is dues-based and is competitive with other regional art organizations. Patrons and enthusiasts of the arts, whether students or adults, novice or professional, are welcome to join the ASMC and participate in its meetings and activities.
The Formation of the Society
In the early 1950's, the Monmouth Arts Foundation was formed with a membership of approximately 800; it had branches for dance, music, and art. The art branch was known as the Monmouth Arts Gallery. The Monmouth Arts Gallery had approximately 400 members. In 2003, the Foundation decided to disband and award its endowments to a group of members to form another art group with mostly the same members.
Tom Wilczewski, president, spearheaded the new group which included Mae Perillo, Leonia Mroczkowski, Eleanor Silverman, Dorothy Senk, among others; thus, the Art Society of Monmouth County was formed in 2004 as a non-profit. Lucille Dellert became its first president.
Art Society of Monmouth County
Executive Board 2022-2024; 2024-2026
President – Susan VanVolkenburgh
First Vice Presidents, Programs – Caren Flynn & Cathy Delano
Second Vice President, Membership – Lynne Roemer
Third Vice President, Exhibits – William Green
Treasurer – Nancy Cagliostro
Assistant Vice President, Membership Recruiting – Johanna Ericson
Recording Secretary – Penny Marzec
Corresponding Secretary – Laura Mandile
Publicity Secretary – Anthony Russo; Jackie Messenger
ASMC Board Advisor: Ken Klohn
Past Presidents: Norma Wokas, Helen and Ernest Antholis, Pat Farley, Stephanie and Doug Frank, Ken Klohn, and Vince Matulewich
In Memoriam Past Presidents: The late Lucille Dellert, the late Toni Wilczewski, the late Tom Wilczewski.
The ASMC ensures compliance with the ADA by only holding meetings, exhibits or any other non-digital activities at those locations that are certified ADA Compliant. The ASMC does not own, rent, or possess any physical locations or venues.
The ASMC does not place any restrictions or qualifiers on its membership. The ASMC is open to all artists (regardless of medium), photographers, and any other individuals interested in supporting the ASMC's mission. Membership is dues-based on an annual basis. Participation in exhibits is entry-fee based. Content of submitted art is subject to exhibition rules.